1. homer(1)
  2. User Manual
  3. homer(1)


homer - your home directory manager




Homer is a command-line utility to manage your shell's home directory. It turns your entire home directory into a Git repo so you can version control non-sensitive configuration and data and synchronize them across machines. It also includes provisions for installing custom shell scripts, aliases and hooks for package management tooling. Homer is designed around the Unix philosophy, and stays out of your way as much as possible. It is written entirely in ZSH shell script.

For more information, check out:



COMMAND The command you wish to run.

ARGUMENTS Arguments for said command.


Initialize your home directory as a new repo:

homer init

Or, clone an existing home directory repo:

homer init -c https://github.com/me/home.git

You can now save dotfiles to the repo:

homer save .vimrc -m "Removed vim-rails"

Or, sync with your Git repo if you made changes elsewhere:

homer update

Homer can even upgrade itself using the latest GitHub release:

homer upgrade

Shell Plugins

Homer also provides an easy way to manage ZSH plugins with Antigen. These plugins are automatically installed when you init your home directory on a new machine.

homer plugin zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting

You can also remove shell plugins from the manifest:

homer plugin zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting -r

Homer manages an ~/etc/aliases file that includes your shell aliases. To add one, run the following command:

homer alias gc 'git commit'

Or, forget an alias:

homer alias gc -r

NOTE: The shell will need to be reloaded in order for alias changes to take effect.

User Scripts

Homer establishes a ~/bin directory for useful scripts that you might need access to as commands. This directory is added to $PATH so that its executable contents can be used as commands across the system.

Adding a new command

homer script path/to/your/script/find-and-replace-in-project

You can now use the script as if it was a command:


To remove the script from ~/bin:

homer script find-and-replace-in-project -r


The following files are generated when you run the homer init command...

~/bin: User scripts directory. Added to your $PATH automatically.

~/etc/profile.d/: User configs directory

~/etc/plugins.zsh: Plugins configuration

~/etc/aliases.zsh: User aliases configuration


Tom Scott http://psychedeli.ca


antigen(1) zsh(1) git(1)

  1. homer
  2. November 2014
  3. homer(1)